Category: apple

  • Hell froze over

    Toen Apple iTunes voor Windows aankondigde was de headline op “Hell froze over”. Ik verwacht ongeveer hetzelfde vandaag. Apple Goes Intel. Coverage: Apple persbericht Intel persbericht The Mac Observer Engadget en 1000en andere sites. De stream van de keynote zelf komt later deze dag op deze pagina te staan. Coming soon: een Apple-muis met […]

  • Switched

    I’m now officially a switcher. My Powerbook G4 arrived, Tiger pre-installed and all, and I love it. My first experiences/remarks/questions: The design and engineering is truly fabulous. Little details like the ‘breathing’ power led when the machine is suspended, the contrast and backlight which automatically adjust themselves to the lighting of the room and the […]

  • Quick update

    My next exam is in two days, so that should explain the lack of updates. After that I’ve got one to go, but that won’t be until somewhere mid-june. Some things have happened in the past few weeks, though I went to the offices of a certain search company (not Yahoo!, Msn or Ask Jeeves) […]

  • Back from the snow…

    …after one week in the French Alps. Observations The creative spammers still use subjects that trigger my filters. Tiger isn’t out yet, so I still haven’t ordered my Powerbook. My feeling about the second job interview at the company that is neither Yahoo!, nor Ask Jeeves or MSN Search was right, as they want to […]

  • So many sites, so little time

    I’m still swamped in work (release of the ‘big’ site on wednesday or thursday), so I’ll limit myself to a little linkdump. as you could read before, I’m a soon-to-be Powerbook owner, so whenever an Apple-related post appears in one of my daily reads (list to come in a future installment of, I no […]