Category: foresight
First post from gnome-blog
This is my first test from within Foresight Desktop Linux using the gnome-blog plugin. So far the system seems to work fairly well. It’s definitely faster than my previous Fedora install, and Beagle rocks! Todo: figure out how to run VMware, how to install corefonts, import my old mail. Update: I just realised I forgot […]
Coming soon to a distro near you: Gnome 2.10. Congratulations to all those who made it possible. Try it out, it rocks. I’m confident Foresight Desktop Linux will be one of the first to include it out of the box. (In the upcoming 0.5 release.) After that, it’s bye bye Fedora, welcome Foresight. (And maybe […]
Foresight 0.1 impressions
Tonight I installed Foresight Desktop Linux 0.1 Some observations/Bugzilla todo’s It’s really cool The fastboot gives me some weird errors about 0.25 being a wrong interval for ‘sleep’, but otherwise is indeed fast Beagle rocks! Don’t forget to enable extended attributes or beagled won’t start Beagle rocks! And, last but not least: Beagle rocks!
Foresight 0.1
If everything goes well, there should be a first Foresight iso (or isos) available in the next couple of days. This will offer an easier way to discover this fascinating new platform, and the bleeding edge of Gnome goodness like Tomboy, Beagle and Howl. And what’s more, the isos will be available from your very […]
Foresight Linux
For the past two days, I’ve been experimenting with Specifix/Foresightlinux. I stumbled upon Foresightlinux on the GnomeLiveCd page on the Gnome Wiki. (I provide a mirror for the Gnome live cd right here.) Foresight is a distribution based on Specifix, which is a distribution that builds on the Conary packaging system. Conary seems like the […]