Author: Lode

  • Apple advice wanted

    I’m looking into buying a Powerbook + an external display. I’m probably going for a 15″ Powerbook as this seems to provide a nice balance between performance and screen real estate and portability, and a 23″ Cinema Display. As I’ve never owned a Mac before, I’ve got some questions. First one: Can I install non-Apple […]

  • Foresight 0.1

    If everything goes well, there should be a first Foresight iso (or isos) available in the next couple of days. This will offer an easier way to discover this fascinating new platform, and the bleeding edge of Gnome goodness like Tomboy, Beagle and Howl. And what’s more, the isos will be available from your very […]

  • early spring

    I’m tired of winter, so I’ve decided spring will start early this year. I will celebrate this with the new WordPress theme “Early Spring”. What you see now is just a preliminary version of this theme. More to come soon.

  • Kubrick

    Currently I’m using the default Kubrick theme for WordPress by Michael Heilemann. It’s very clean, but not exactly what I have got in mind. Be prepared for a new design in a couple of days, Gravatars and all. But now.. time for bed.

  • Foresight Linux

    For the past two days, I’ve been experimenting with Specifix/Foresightlinux. I stumbled upon Foresightlinux on the GnomeLiveCd page on the Gnome Wiki. (I provide a mirror for the Gnome live cd right here.) Foresight is a distribution based on Specifix, which is a distribution that builds on the Conary packaging system. Conary seems like the […]