Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
UX Magazine, currently in beta (apparently even magazines can be in ‘beta’ these days) looks gorgeous, and has a very high check-it-out factor (
Improv Everywhere’s new mission: Suicide Jumper – Trust me, it’s funny, even though the title suggests otherwise. See also this previous post: Improv Everywhere – Even better than the real thing
Long time no post. Anyway, here goes: I finally checked out what del.icio.us is all about, and became instantly addicted.. Only to have them lose power a few days after I created an account. Another not-so-recent ‘discovery’: Metafilter (or MeFi as the young kids seem to call it), and subsite ask Metafilter. Quote from the […]
De Standaardt
De Standaard voert dezer dagen een campagne rond de nieuwe spelling: een “nieuwskanaal”, een reeks verzamelbijlagen rond de nieuwe spelling, allerlei rubriekjes in de krant. Dat maakt een kanjer van een dt-fout op hun website er natuurlijk des te grappiger op. Eens zien hoe lang deze blijft staan. (Uitleg op Onzetaal.nl)
Just started playing around with the developer preview of Flock, a “next generation web browser”. Think Web 2.0, social bookmarking, tags, … every buzzword you can imagine, put in a blender together with Firefox. This was posted from inside the browser. Just checking how it all works.. Technorati Tags: web 2.0, tags, beta, social bookmarking, […]
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